HOW it works


Genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, illegal wars and any complicity in these crimes are illegal in both UK domestic law and in international law. They are the worst crimes, humans can commit. Not only that, but anyone funding these crimes is liable to prosecution and imprisonment under UK law.

The nature of UK taxation means that all our tax liabilities, including our income tax, PAYE and National Insurance (NI) Contributions are paid into, what is known as the Parliament’s Consolidated Fund.

PAYE, NI Contributions and pension contributions go directly into Parliament’s Consolidated Fund.

What is the Consolidated Fund?

Simply put, the Consolidated Fund is the big pot of money that all of our taxes (including fines) go into. At present 5-10% of the Fund is used to finance illegal wars, war crimes and complicity to genocide via the Ministry of Defence.

What can I do to stop funding these crimes through my taxes?

Funding war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, illegal wars and any acts of complicity in these crimes is illegal.

As such, it is our right to request refund of our tax payments whilst our Government is continuing these crimes and breaking the law. In other words:

It is our right to request refund of our tax payments until the Government can provide incontrovertible proof that it is no longer engaging in these crimes, and that they are compliant with both domestic and international law.

It is our right to request refund of our tax payments until the Government can guarantee that we will not be liable to prosecution for funding any of the above crimes through our tax payments. 

So, how do I stop paying tax to fund war crimes and genocide

There is no legal mechanism in UK statutory law to stop paying tax. You can however, request a tax refund on tax already paid on the basis it has been used to fund war crimes and genocide. Any refunded monies will be placed in a trust. Should the government provide evidence that it will not be using tax money to fund these crimes, the monies in the trust will return to HMRC.

How will this Trust work?

A Trust is simply a way of handling and managing assets or money. All trusts have four things:

  1. A Trust Deed
  2. Settlor(s)
  3. Trustee(s)
  4. Beneficiary/ies

Trust Deed

This is simply the conditions of the Trust and names of the settlors, trustees and beneficiaries. It is legally binding.

The Settlor

The Settlor is the person who puts the money into the Trust.

The Trustee

The trustee is the person who manages and takes responsibility of the money in the trust.

The Beneficiary 

The Beneficiary is the one who gets the benefit from the trust. In other words, the person who receives the money. 


2024-2025 tax year


In order to avoid complicity with the Government’s war crimes, the individual, let’s call him Frankie, sets up a trust using the template trust deed which can be downloaded from this website. (See button below).

Frankie will be both the Settlor and the Trustee of the Trust. He will need to sign the Trust Deed in the presence of two witnesses. These witnesses can be anyone except family members. 

The Trust has two beneficiaries for Frankie’s Trust. The Primary Beneficiary is HMRC and the Secondary Beneficiary will be Frankie himself. 

Frankie will send his Trust Deed, complete with his signed covering letter. The letter requests HMRC to repay his tax payment to him on a 6-monthly basis, so that he can pay into the Trust’s bank account, until such time the Government can prove that it is not complicit in Israel’s genocide and war crimes. This template covering letter can be downloaded from this website. (See button below).

STEP 2: 

Frankie will put all the tax refunded to him – and which he owes for the year (their ‘tax liability’) into the Trust. Practically, this means he will simply keep the money in a bank account so that he can pay all of his tax liabilities. Frankie must not spend this money for the duration of Trust as the money does not belong to him. 

The Trust Deed sets out conditions which need to be met by the Government before his tax monies can be paid to HMRC, the Primary Beneficiary at the end of the financial year. Simply put, the conditions that the Government need to meet are: 

  • provide incontrovertible proof that Government is no longer engaging nor complicit in genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and illegal wars, and that they are complying with both domestic and international law.

STEP 3: 

If by the end of the Tax year, 5th April 2025, the Government meets the conditions of the Trust then, as Primary Beneficiary, all the money in the Trust will go to the Government.

However, if the Government does not meet these conditions, then the money can be paid to the Secondary Beneficiary, Frankie. In other words, the money returns to Frankie and none of Frankie’s money has gone to fund genocide.

Each trust lasts for a whole financial year. Once the financial year is over, a new trust deed is created. This simply means printing a new template covering letter and template trust deed and following the same process set out above. 


We have made the process very simple and have created a full-downloadable pack complete with Step-by-Step Guide to help you set up your Trust.