
Welcome to our page dedicated to addressing the ethical concerns surrounding university investments in companies that are complicit in Israel’s ‘plausible genocide’ in Gaza, and those that support Israel’s system of institutionalised racial discrimination against Palestinians. This system amounts to the crime against humanity of apartheid, as confirmed by the International Court of Justice’s ruling on 19 July 2024.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has conducted extensive research revealing that UK universities collectively invest nearly £430 million in companies complicit in Israeli violations of international law. Despite PSC’s efforts to obtain detailed investment breakdowns, some universities have declined to provide this information. For these institutions, PSC have compiled details on their non-financial ties to these companies.

Many universities have ethical investment policies that are being compromised by their investments in firms contributing to these violations.

In response to these unlawful and unethical investments, we have prepared letters requesting refunds of fees due to the universities’ complicity in these serious breaches of international law and violations of their own ethical investment policies.


On this page, you will find a list of institutions along with downloadable letters, details of their complicity, and information about their ethical policies. Sending these letters is crucial for holding these institutions accountable and promoting ethical investment practices. 


1). Download the letter and fill out your details. Delete the relevant paragraph depending on whether you are self-funded or have taken a student loan.

2). Download the pack.

3). Send the completed letter and pack together.